It’s the reality of today’s working families. Your child arrives home from school before you have even left work.
Suddenly, there’s a knock at the front door.
Unsure of how to respond, your child peaks out through a crack in the front blinds. “The man looks kind enough. I’m going to open the door and see what he wants” are the first thoughts that go through their mind.
Real-world scenarios often call on our children to respond to challenges at home or when they’re out and about. Would your child know what do to?
The Red Cross Stay Safe course teaches the skills needed to keep them safe on their own at home, to respond to unexpected situations inside or outside the home, to provide first aid treatment, and to call 911.
The Red Cross Stay Safe course content includes:
How to stay safe on your own when at home
The importance of following rules, making the right choices, and being prepared
How to do safety checks at home and in the neighbourhood
Understanding fire safety
Learning about poisons, insect stings, choking, asthma, and allergies
How to provide first aid (minor cuts, scrapes, nosebleeds, bumps, bruises, and burns)
What to do for a life-threatening bleed
How to build a first aid kit
Building daily routines
Check, Call, Care (including phoning 911)
Register your child now for the next Red Cross Stay Safe course. For youth in grades 3, 4 and 5.